4263 shaares
577 liens privés
577 liens privés
“What is this: Œ ?
— It's a letter.
— How do you pronounce œuf ?
— It depends: if it's plural, you add -s then -f is silent… (as the -s)”
“How do you call this?
— Usually it's a pool. A place you don't want anyone to piss in.
— French, how will you name it?
– Piscine ?…”
“US, you have a idea for this?
— Let's call it a walkie-talkie.
— What about you French?
— Mmmmh: a talkie-walkie…”
- “I want an avocado” = « Je veux un avocat » // “I want a lawyer” = « Je veux un avocat »
- “More of that” = « Plus de ça » // “No more of that” = « Plus de ça »
- green = vert // toward = vers // glass = verre // pour = verse // worm = ver
- A green worm pours a glass towards a glassmaker around eight o'clock = Un ver vert verse un verre vers un verrier vers vingt heure
- Your auntie felt your auntie = Ta tata tâta ta tata :-D
- some much = tant // you = t'en // time = temps // attempted = tente // stretch = tends // horsefly = taon // aunt = tante // as much = autant
- Wait, your tempting aunt is spending your time so much, you have so many horseflies in your tent = Attends, ta tante tentant tends ton temps tant, t'en a autant de taon dans ta tente
- It is an egg. Seven one nine. It's a new one = C'est un œuf. Sept un neuf. C'est un neuf.
Voir aussi : https://orangina-rouge.org/shaarli/shaare/ZXozqg et puis surtout https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYm83H5TOMM